Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Dangers of Arsenic in Your Drinking Water

Believe it or not, your water supply contains a lot of particles, minerals, and contaminants which can have adverse effects on your health if not properly filtered and sanitized. One of the elements which might be in your water supply is arsenic, a colorless, odorless, and semimetallic element usually used as wood preservative and is also present on paints, dyes, and metals.

Arsenic can enter the water supply when it passes through the earth. According to the Virginia Department of Public Health, people can also consume arsenic in food, since the plants take up water containing this element as they grow. While arsenic doesn’t accumulate in the body, a high intake of this element can cause skin damage and problems in one’s circulatory system. Furthermore, arsenic can increase your risk of acquiring cancer.

There are two types of arsenic, namely organic and inorganic arsenic. The only difference between the two is that organic arsenic contains carbon while inorganic arsenic does not. The latter ismore toxic and thus more dangerous. Ingestion of large amounts of inorganic arsenic can cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting. It can also cause damage to the nervous system, which can eventually lead to death.

To prevent the adverse health effects of arsenic, the Environmental Protection Agency recommends using a reverse osmosis system to sufficiently rid your water supply from this harmful element. Reverse osmosis systems can filter out arsenic and many other contaminants, providing you safer and cleaner drinking water.

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