Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Applications for Reverse Osmosis Technology

Desalination companies came up with a solution called reverse osmosis in removing salt, minerals, and impurities from a certain volume of fluid to produce clean desalinated water. In performing reverse osmosis (RO), pressure is applied to water in a container toward a semi-permeable membrane that only pure water can permeate.
Kidneys and Osmosis
Based on what a person eats or drinks, the human blood could end up concentrated with all sorts of chemicals and substances. Through osmosis, your kidneys reabsorb water and maintain your body’s water balance in order to filter out most of the blood that flows through it. This process allows only clean, oxygenated blood to flow through unhampered and produce urine in the process.
Colloidal Particle Problems
For the most part, RO technology has had to contend with the fact that certain colloidal substances are still able to pass through membranes—primarily because of the very nature of colloids (dispersed particles that cannot be separated mechanically). Thankfully, innovations like ultrafiltration (UF) or microfiltration (MF) systems aid this process.
To prevent organic fouling and contamination with colloidal particles, chlorine is usually added to UF or MF membranes before pretreatment. While a high-quality RO membrane cannot tolerate free chlorine, it can withstand high concentrations of chloramines. Consequently, a chloramine concentration of about 2-4 ppm should be effectively maintained in wastewater.

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